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Today we are sharing 5 things you should know about LED lighting.
LEDs have taken over the world of lighting in a big way. At Leiht Design, we always use LEDs in our projects wherever possible. Their energy savings and wide range of uses make them some of the best light sources available. Read on more about LEDs and their uses!
1: LED stands for "light emitting diode".
LED stands for light emitting diode. According to Energy.gov, an LED is a solid-state lighting device that uses a semiconductor to convert electricity into light. Check out this diagram below that shows how an Ilumi LED Smartbulb is constructed:
2: LEDs are a newer invention.
The first visible light emitting doide was invented by Nick Holonyak, an engineer at GE, in 1962. Since then, LED technology has grown and continues to grow at a rapid rate.
3: LEDs have a very long life span.
Because if their efficiency, LEDs can last more than 25 times longer than a regular incandescent lamp (bulb). For example, if an LED light bulb has a life expectancy of 50,000 hours, it will last about 17 years if it is on 8 hours every day.
4: LEDs save a HUGE amount of energy.
Energy.gov reports that incandescent lamps release 90% of their energy as heat. LEDs use their energy much more efficiently than incandescent lamps which is why they stay cooler.
5: You can control some LEDs from your smartphone!
With booming advancements in home control technology and smart home design, there are many LED sources that can be controlled with your phone's Bluetooth. Many "smart" LEDs, like the Ilumi Smartbulb mentioned earlier, can be synced with your Google Home or other virtual assistant in order to control them with voice commands.
For a closer look into LED technology, check out these articles: